Reasons to Consider Spinal Surgery

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If you experience back pain, you should know that you are not alone with this struggle. In fact, it is reported that over 85% of adults experience back pain at some point in their lives. It is also considered to be one of the top reasons as to why one might miss work. It’s a very prevalent issue that plagues many, but that doesn’t mean that you have to suffer needlessly. There are a vast multitude of reasons as to why you might experience back pain such as a slipped disk, pulled muscles, or even a sciatica flareup. Some might be able to simple limit their movement as much as possible for a few days and apply ice and heat as they see fit and be good to go, but that is not true for everyone. For some, the only option is spinal surgery.

While no one is excited about the thought of surgery, it can likely provide you with a great deal of relief if your pain is chronic. Let’s take a closer look at some of the reasons as to why you should consider spinal surgery. To begin with, it can take a great deal of pressure off of your nerves. Pinched nerves are super common and most people opt to treat them using a variety of home remedies. But it is of importance to note that there can be underlying causes of pinched nerves that can lead to compression and can only be treated using surgical methods. Compressed nerves can lead to a constant feeling of tingling, weakness, and even a loss of control when it comes to the bladder. The surgery will quickly release that pressure and have you functioning as intended within a reasonable time frame.

Another reason you may want to contemplate spinal surgery from Spine md is the fact that it can increase your overall stability. When you are totally healthy, the spine acts as a support and provides structure to your body. However, the spine can easily become unstable and the only way to fix that issue is via surgical procedures. Unstable spines can be caused by almost anything but the most prominent cause is an injury of some sort. It is important to note that an unstable spine is not just painful and uncomfortable, but can also make your body highly vulnerable.

If you feel that you might be a good candidate for spinal surgery, consider reaching out to Spine MD at your earliest convivence. A member of their staff will be more than happy to assist you and answer any questions that you may have regarding procedures that are offered.